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Careers in Technology: How to develop soft skills?

Updated: 27/02/2023

Amid the pandemic and many uncertainties in many sectors, some have managed to raise the bar, adapt to the new circumstances, and grow steadily, excelling in a new, all-digital world. The technology fields have been the fastest growing in recent times, with many job openings.

For those who have not yet decided on a career path, or for IT professionals who are looking to make it big, the time is now. Mas em um mundo completamente globalizado, ter destaque e diferenciais são o ponto chave para um bom início.

Developing soft skills is very important when it comes to getting a job in the technology market. Companies take into consideration when evaluating a professional: the technical skills and how he or she positions him or herself in pressure environments and teamwork.

Do you know what soft skills are? How important are they for a promising career? Read the article and learn more!

Technology market on the rise

During 2020 and currently throughout 2021, the technology sector has been gaining prominence and consequently increasing hiring in the area. With social isolation, the digital world has dominated all sectors, and those who have been able to take advantage of the scenario and all the new tools are growing.

According to the recruiting firm that specializes in hiring technology professionals, GeekHunterby 2020 the number of open positions in the technology area grew by 310%. In addition, there was a 14.9% increase in the volume of active companies on its platform, looking for professionals in the area.

Digital transformation has suddenly grown and with it the demand for IT professionals has steadily increased. Outros setores que antes não necessitavam de profissionais de tecnologia ou trabalhavam com uma pequena equipe, se viram em situação de aumentar o time, como área de educação e saúde, estas que precisaram se adaptar digitalmente ao distanciamento social.

According to data from the National Employment Bank (BNE), 1,120 technology vacancies were opened in Brazil in January 2020, and in the same period in 2021, the number of vacancies reached 1,638, an increase of 46.2%.

Apesar do aumento crescente de vagas, há também uma procura grande por profissionais qualificados. With the shortage of these professionals in the market, salaries have increased by 25%, in order to find people with experience and willingness to work.

According to a new study by International Data Corporation (IDC), the WW COVID-19 - Impact on IT Spending Survey, 42% of companies will increase their technology budget for next year.

Another factor that increases the demand for technology professionals are foreign companies looking to hire Brazilians. For people who intend to pursue a career in the field, learning a second language and training new skills will make all the difference in this market.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are the competencies that compete with a professional's personality and behavior. They involve mental, emotional, and social skills. They also relate to how a person interacts with others and how relationships and team productivity in the corporate environment are affected.

Job openings are becoming increasingly competitive as companies seek experienced professionals who have other differentiators. Soft skill is one of them, and the most important one these days.

Soft skills tips to improve professional performance

The search for professionals with soft skills is increasing every day, and it is essential when it comes to hiring. In a 2017 survey by Global Capgemini Digital Transformations Institute, the percentage of what companies look for in their employees today are:

  • Customer Focus (65%): provide good customer service and dedicate yourself to the customer;
  • Colaboração (64%): cooperar com a equipe e na rotina de trabalho;
  • Passion for learning (64%): getting out of the comfort zone and going in search of new knowledge;
  • Organizational Skill (61%): knowledge that the manager needs to understand the complexity of the organization.

There are important soft skills for professionals who want to grow and perform well in the technology field. It is no use having knowledge and a great practice in the area if you don't know how to deal with time management and pressure.


Ser criativo e mostrar sempre o que pode ser um diferencial e/ou inovador para a empresa. Having the initiative to show new ways and executing them when they are well-founded is a very important point of emphasis.

Effective communication

The success of every company in any industry is called dialog. Knowing what each other thinks and using these conversations as a routine is of great value to the success of a company. A professional who knows how to dialogue with his team is successful in all work. Lack of communication can generate failures throughout the processes and thus delay results or even fail the final process.

Emotional Intelligence

Knowing how to control one's emotions is a very important soft skill for the success and growth of a professional, because it is what balances personal life and career, it is where one needs to have total control. Knowing how to understand the emotions of everyone on the team is also part of the whole process of emotional intelligence. Empathy, ethics, and patience are points that need to be practiced daily in a work environment. Knowing one's limitations and abilities helps the professional to become more confident.


The environment of a technology-oriented job is on most days tiring and with a lot of pressure because it is a very competitive market. A todo momento novas ferramentas, aparelhos, softwares estão em destaque e ter uma equipe em sintonia com as novidades e dinamismo da área faz toda diferença.

Because of this pressure many professionals start to have a high level of anxiety because they don't know how to work on self-control. Doing all the services with calmness, planning, and organization helps maintain resilience. Taking care of your health, leisure, and respecting boundaries also helps in the process of improving this soft skill.

Conheça a Park Work

A Park Work possui cursos interdisciplinares na área de negócios para desenvolver competências profissionais duradouras em todas as fases da carreira.

With a maker mindset (the student develops knowledge while performing practical activities), 100% oral communication, digital material, and learning from anywhere.

Park works with dynamic teaching where the student learns, talks and does. This way, the professionals can train themselves and have a good placement in the job market with the differential of fluency in a second language.

Want to know more about the courses available at Park Education? Access the site and contact us.